Special Offers
We all like getting a deal, and finding a special offer for a product we already know about and want. You likely landed on this page because someone either pointed you to it, or you received a little card included with your last shipment, and actually followed the link. So thank you for being a Gamiviti customer, or a friend of a Gamiviti customer, you’re in good company… please check out our current special offers below.
200 series complete bag kit
This is basically a free small tool bag… so buy 1 cool bag, 1 large tool bag, and 1 small tool bag, and you’re going to get 1 cool bag, 1 large tool bag, and 2 small tool bags, which is what it takes to fill your tailgate with usable bag storage, as well as upgrade that center console coolbox with a handy storage bag as well. Of course these can be used in other applications and other vehicles as well, but we all know they were originally designed for the 200 series Land Cruiser.
In stock labels, other quantity options, more pictures, videos, and more can all be found here https://www.gamiviti.com/cool-bags and here https://www.gamiviti.com/tailgate-bags. But you’ll only find this special offer in the link below.
Free cool bag with any dashboard accessory mount
Available right here and only right here… purchase any of our dashboard accessory panels and receive a free cool bag shipped with it.
$15 seat gears
For a very limited time, we are offering $15 seat gears for 80 series power seat repair. We owe a lot to the 80 series, and the greater ih8mud community, for all of the support with this product, and are delighted in how these gears have enabled so many Land Cruiser owners to repair their power seats. So this is a great time to fix that seat, or pick up a spare gear, maybe a little gift for your friend who just got an 80. And based on the response, this offer may or may not last long….
The end caps, press tools, other quantities, videos, and international shipping options can all be found on this page: https://www.gamiviti.com/seatparts This special offer is available only to US addresses, and only available by clicking the button below.